Raymond Aaron Recommends: Holosync 5-Day Challenge – Registration

Centerpointe Research Institute presents…

Experience world famous brain-enhancing Holosync® audio technology once a day for 15 minutes…

Find out – in just 5 days – how changing your brain will dramatically enhance your life

• Takes just 14 minutes a day
• Post your experiences & connect
with other Challenge participants
• Post your experiences & connect
with other Challenge participants

He has studied and practiced a wide range of traditional and modern transformational and therapeutic practices with a variety of teachers. The Founder and CEO of Centerpointe Research Institute, Bill is the creator of Holosync® audio technology, used by well over two million people in 193 countries.
Based on research at Mt. Sinai Medical Center and the world-famous Menninger Clinic, Holosync® calms the brain’s limbic system, enhances the prefrontal cortex, and creates changes in the brain’s electrical activity. This allows for the creation of meditative states, enhanced creativity, increased focus and concentration, increased willpower and ability to self-regulate behavior, and many other beneficial mental and emotional capabilities.
He is the author of two bestselling books, Thresholds of the Mind and The New Science of Super-Awareness.[/text_block]

- Skip the long learning curve for meditation…
- Meditate as deeply (actually more deeply) than an experienced Zen monk, literally at the touch of a button…
- Virtually eliminate stress from your life…
- Naturally and safely stimulate the production of brain chemicals that dramatically slow aging and increase longevity…
- Boost your mental powers to unheard of levels…
- Eliminate most so-called “dysfunctional” feelings and behaviors and the problems they create in your life…
- And attain a level of happiness and inner peace you may have not thought possible…